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martes, 31 de enero de 2012

The Energies of February

Cause and Effect   

The Universal Law of Cause and Effect states that every cause creates an effect, or every action has a reaction. This law becomes important when we work with energy because it reminds us that energy is not judgmental or discriminating, it simply responds to manifest the result that mirrors the cause. We see this law at work in our lives every day because everything in our life, every situation, person, relationship and event is an effect or result that was created when we moved energy in some way, consciously or unconsciously. 

In the world and in our lives, we are the cause and everything we experience is an effect.
This law is very simple and it governs how we interact with the world. It is possible to change the effect when we change the cause but before we can make those changes we must also understand what the cause is. That is, what was happening energetically and vibrationally within us to create the outcome that we have. And to do that we have to go beneath the surface because all energy creates, whether we are aware that we have that particular energy or not.  So we are always creating an outcome with every thought, belief and word. And we create from the level of our lowest energetic vibration, no matter how unaware we are of it or how much we may want something different.

I often hear from clients 'I want to do that but I don't think I can' or 'I want that but I can't afford it'. So while they are setting an intention for one thing, they are canceling it with their next thought. In this case, nothing happens because they have created and negated the cause in a single sentence so there can be no outcome, or effect. They will feel stuck and wonder why nothing is changing, it's because they aren't allowing the energy to move. Our deepest fears move energy as much as our biggest dreams and if we can't energize an outcome, we can't create it.

Every energy that we carry is included in our cause, or what we want to create. We must be aware of our doubts and fears and deal with them first, before we set our intentions for our reality. Do we believe we can have it? Do we think we deserve or are worthy of it? Can we envision it and do we trust in our ability to be a creator? Do we think the Universe really is our partner? Any fear is given equal weight so by addressing our fears, we remove them from the cause and we empower the outcome to reflect our greatness and divinity. Being energetically empowered is not a time to think small. We can have big dreams and we need to empower our dreams with big thoughts. 

The  Energies of February

This week we have another strong energetic event that further empowers change in the world, the planet Neptune moves into Pisces. All of the generational planets, Pluto, Uranus and Neptune have changed signs now, which lend new purpose and support to the transformation that we, individually and collectively are part of. The last time Neptune was in Pisces, in 1848, was also the year spiritualism was born, Darwin's theories challenged creation theory, Marx challenged the social structure and the gold rush in California was born. What has changed in your life since 1998, when Neptune first entered Aquarius? Were any illusions destroyed (that's what Neptune does) and do you see yourself differently now?

What dreams will Neptune support and empower for you now as it enters Pisces, the sign of spirituality?

We are all experiencing a deep need to understand ourselves in new ways while also connecting with each other– as proof of that, Facebook’s user base is estimated to approach 1 billion this year. Entities that promise to reward us in exchange for taking our power are no longer appealing but moving out of that paradigm requires that we know, understand and can share our gifts and talents with others. We all stand for justice and equality and any institution that puts profits before people will get global attention and strong demands for change. We realize that when one suffers, we all suffer.

Beginning this month we will be challenged to believe in our dreams and in ourselves strongly enough to make them our reality. January was a month for completion and release as we found our place within the energies of this new and very powerful year. I think the year actually began with the New Moon on January 24 and we all felt the energy downloads of that week, which encouraged us to release even more of whatever is blocking our path. With the blocks removed we will have a laser sharp insight into what brings us joy. All we have to do is take action.

February’s energy will be less intense in some ways while it demands that we challenge ourselves to grow into our power and empower our reality in new ways. With Mars retrograde until April 14 we can review how we serve the world, as servants or in powerful service that expresses our gifts to their fullest. Power is a theme for this month as we fine tune our use and sources of power. 

What do we do that makes us feel powerful? Who do we give our power to and how can we take it back? Be prepared for more energy downloads and solar flares but we will integrate them more easily as we find new ways to empower ourselves, our reality and the world. Who do you want to be in your life and how big are you willing to dream is the question for this month. Dream big and have a wonderful month.

Copyright (c) 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. All rights reserved. You may copy or quote this article, whole or in part, by including the author reference and a working link to the website,  URIEL NEWSLETTER 1/29/12. Visit the Uriel Heals website at for more information, archives, articles and events.  Jennifer Hoffman  816-350-1139

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