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lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011

Masters of Timelessness

The concept of timelessness may be a little scary for some because what would we do without time? Would we just show up to a meeting when we felt like it? How would we coordinate events and schedules? Does this mean we stop celebrating birthdays? But timelessness isn't about getting rid of time or the concept of time and timing. It is moving into another experience of time when we shift our focus from time to outcome, from timing and how long things take to manifest, to the results of energetic flow. If time is the flow of energy through density, then timelessness is the flow of energy through the lightness of divine perfection.

How does divine perfection interact with time? It is the intersection between desire and intention and outcome and ascension. Every aspect of our life journey is measured by learning and transformation. It doesn't matter how long we take to learn a lesson, whether we learn it in a day, week, decade or a century, what is important is that we learn it. If we don't, we can return and work on it at a later time. We ascend through enlightenment, by understanding our experiences as the path to learning, healing, growth and transformation which, from a material perspective, take a certain amount of time but from our spiritual aspects, it is a matter of outcome and completion.

We partner with the energy of divine perfection to create the outcome that best responds to an aspect of our healing, learning, growth and ascension cycle. What is that? It's something we can't know until we allow the partnership to occur because with each new understanding we step into timelessness, where we allow the outcome to flow to us. Then we change the learning curve, shorten the path to our transformation and this shifts the outcome. Now we're on a different path that was possible because we shifted the outcome by allowing divine perfection to replace time. So the question is not whether we can be timeless but whether we are ready to allow ourselves to live in this vast, unlimited and unfamiliar territory.

Time is interwoven with our karmic cycles, emotional DNA, soul group dynamics and every other aspect of our life journey because these are all elements of density. So when we are not grounded in time, we allow a new energetic flow to become part of our learning which removes density and puts us on a path where outcomes shift and flow more quickly and often in a different direction. When we are at this level we can see instant results, and live our life in a new and different way without the struggle that is inherent in karma and time. And in the flow of timelessness the desires of our heart and soul and our life path become one and the same, to create our heaven on earth.

When Life Throws a Curve Ball
 Last Friday night I went to bed with a mild stomach ache, which I thought was a bout of the stomach flu. I've had this before, it's uncomfortable for 24 hours and then it goes away. But when I awakened at 1AM with intense stomach pain that lasted through the night and into the next day, I was puzzled. Then at 2PM Saturday afternoon I awakened from a nap and heard a voice say 'appendicitis' and was shocked. I've never had surgery, am rarely sick, don't go to hospitals and still have all of my 'organs'. But I went to the hospital and was in surgery to have my appendix removed a few hours later.

It's been a few days now and I'm feeling better although I was completely unprepared for how exhausted and painful post-surgery would be. I'm taking things very slowly so the newsletter was delayed, I have not been working at all, I take lots of naps during the day and go to bed early. I know I will be back to my normal energy levels in another week of two as long as I take care of myself now. The message to me has been to slow down, take it easy, rest a lot, take care of myself and let others contribute to my care. My family and friends have been very helpful and supportive.

We allow our lives to flow in a certain pattern and direction that often becomes a rut we're stuck in until we get stopped by one of life's curve balls. Whether it's a financial, emotional, health or other crisis, its purpose is to stop us in our tracks so we can give our attention to who and what we're being while we're busy doing our lives. And often we find that our actions have become misaligned with our goals but we can't find the time to slow down to make those corrections so we get stopped and then have plenty of time to make changes.

With a Mercury retrograde and an eclipse cycle to help us with that process, this is an especially potent time for curve balls to occur and they can take us by surprise, as mine did. When this happens, take care of the immediate issue and then look at your life. Consider your goals and whether what you are currently doing is meeting them; often it isn't and there is an easier, more efficient and faster way to do that. Are you enjoying your life? Are you doing what you love (which is the expression of your gifts) or doing what you think will pay the bills? This is a slippery slope that is coming up for many and as scary as it can be, we're being asked to make changes so whatever we do is the best expression of our energy. Listen to your guidance, it will help you know what that is. And take care of yourself, because it isn't until you don't have full use of your body that you realize how much you take for granted.

Uriel's Message -- Evolving Empathy

With each generation there is an evolution to the flow, movement, integration and alignment of energy. Despite the appearance that nothing in the world changes, each generation is able to ascend into new dimension of being, which involves integrating small aspects of higher dimensions of being into third dimensional energy. The most subtle shift in thought or belief is as powerful as any other energy movement. There is a level of empowerment that occurs which allows empathy to evolve into its higher states.

Empathy is how you connect energetically to others and it can be difficult because it is often through experiencing their emotional energy, usually at the level of pain and fear, which you can take on as your own in an effort to help transmute it. At its lowest vibration empathy is experienced as sympathy, where you are aware of others' powerlessness and this is where your empathic connection is felt. You also believe that by transmuting their energy you raise the earth's vibrations and while this has been one of Lightworkers' roles in the past, it is no longer true for you today. Today, empathy is evolving into powerful connections that allow healing to occur through conscious choice and free will.

Lightworkers hold the fear that the earth will not ascend, that ascension will be stopped or blocked, that some force or energy can prevent ascension from happening. Yet it always happens at some level although it has not yet achieved its full aspects. Remember there are many dimensions in the Universe so ascension is always occurring beyond dimensions you can know or imagine at this time. As empathy evolves so do your human connections and you must choose to connect to others by realizing their power and showing them how they can reconnect to it.

Empathy is one of your greatest challenges in healing because you can adopt the responsibility for healing or be healers, you can be a powerful example of healing or give up your power to help others heal. It is not possible to help others heal by showing them their pain-they are already aware of how painful their life is. You can heal them by showing them their truth, which is that they are powerful, divine beings whose life experience can be shifted through awareness of a more powerful aspect of themselves. Practice empathy by being your most powerful self and be a mirror of the joy, peace, abundance and love that are available to all when they can learn to seek and find their own truth and find the power within that heals all pain.

Mothers and Daughters   
I was with family for Thanksgiving and the conversation turned to mothers and daughters, how challenging our mothers have become as they have aged, what they expect from us and how they do not honor our boundaries. I have had some interesting conversations on this topic with my own mother lately but from a perspective that allows me to understand her actions from a different place. One thing I have realized about this most complicated of relationships, especially with my generation, is that we have lives our mothers don't understand us and never will. And so we must learn to find a balance between our lives, the one our mothers think we should live and how to handle their fears around these issues.

The mother/daughter relationship is very complicated and with my generation in particular, has always been challenging. Many of the clients I speak to describe issues of jealousy, competition, domination, criticism and judgment with their mothers. If it is our mothers' job to teach us about power, why weren't they more compassionate teachers? They were but not in the way we expected. Lessons in power, for Indigos and Crystals, usually begin with being powerless and our mothers are no exception in this process. We wonder why, since they struggled so much in their lives, they haven't been more supportive or helpful in ours. Many of them had Indigo and Crystal energy too, why didn't they use it?

Many of the women of our mothers' generation had dreams they could never create, or not without great struggle and sacrifice. Most accepted the role of wife and mother as their lot in life and put their dreams aside. They have mixed feelings of fear, jealousy and envy as they see us doing things they may have wanted to do and never thought they could. Some are afraid for us as they don't want us to experience the pain of disappointment they felt, so they do all they can to hold us back. Others, especially as they age, are afraid of losing their connection to us so they become needy and demanding, wanting us to see them as important and valuable. This may be our biggest lesson in compassion but it's also one of appreciation because through their parenting we had to choose to take Indigo or Crystal energy in more powerful directions. Often we chose to be ourselves so we would not be like them. And it has been a big struggle for us.

The challenge for us today is to learn acceptance in our mother/daughter relationships because our mothers raised a generation of daughters who are independent, powerful and successful and who are not afraid to follow their dreams. But what do we do with a needy, critical mother who insists on being part of our life in her own way and disrespects our boundaries? We learn to say 'no' without feeling guilty and don't let ourselves be shamed or manipulated into allowing our boundaries to be crossed. And we live our dreams with confidence because we are the generation who, despite many obstacles and challenges, refused to be limited and bravely stepped into our energy knowing that we learned to use Indigo and Crystal energy in more powerful ways and ensured that our children, the next generation of Indigos and Crystals, were more empowered, confident and successful, than we were.

Visit the Uriel Heals website at for more information, archives, articles and events.  Jennifer Hoffman 816-350-1139

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