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miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011

The Rising Cost of Food And Other Commodities

A long time ago, I had reached the conclusion that seeds "will" be the currency of the future. I personally will not invest in Gold or other metals because there must be goods for me to buy with that currency, and that I may be overpaying for the goods when I pay with a bar of gold or gold coins - who's going to give me change for the loaf of bread when I pay with a bar of gold? You also need to take into consideration that the person(s) you are trading with will find the metal to be of value - since one can not eat the precious metals.

Seeds or livestock, on the other hand, are self propagating. You plant the seeds and you get the crop. You take out the seeds and you do it all over again. With livestock you have the offspring, which will again give you more offspring. Therefore, in theory, you have the ability to sustain yourself, without going outside of your homestead. With these goods: crops, dairy, eggs, etc., you can trade for other goods.

When you have to go to work to exchange your time and intellect for money, that money is ultimately used to purchase the food and goods you need in order to live. If your job is to work in your garden, tending to your livestock, then your compensation is the goods themselves, which self propagate.

I think that if we all truly understand this principle, we could all be free from this wheel of "slavery" to the financial, monetary system; and we'll get back to basics and more in touch with Mother Earth.

Things don't happen for no reason. Earth Changes happen to cleanse our planet and to help in transformation. Perhaps a global financial crisis and global food crisis is also necessary so that we understand what is important to us and how to re-connect to Source!
I personally have acquired the following:

Seeds of all kinds, specifically vegetables and Herbs
and Fruit Trees

Because I am raising chickens and other livestock, I needed to be able to be self-reliant when it comes to their feed - because I may not be able to afford feed at a store if prices soar and the supplies decrease. So yesterday I bought seeds for the crops necessary to produce feed for my livestock. I bought 50 Lb bags of the following seeds: Barley, Wheat, Oats, Buck Wheat, Rye and Amaranth I also bought a 50 LB bag of Protein mix of Garbanzo bean, Adzuki bean, Mung Bean and Green peas - all packed with protein and nutrients.

I am also stocking up with Rice, Flour, Peanut Butter, Can Foods, Water, Toiletries, First Aid, Medications and anything I can pick up. I also go to Craig's List to find other things that I may need.

Do this every time you go to the market.

My Father, who is a skeptic, always tells me that he hasn't prepared nor is he leaving Florida because he knows that The Father is looking out after him. And I tell him, all the time, that The Father gives us signs and information so that we take action. He didn't come down in the physical nor put a shield around Noah. He gave Noah the information that things were going to get bad and told him to prepare. Noah listened and took action - despite the fact that he was ridiculed and shunned by his community. Noah was saved by the fact that he listened to the Voice and Understood that he needed to get up from his hiney and do something to protect himself and his family. But, my father forgets this logic, and I keep spending my time trying to get him to see this perspective. Even though he's old and set in his ways, I still try - because he's my father and I love him.

I will also keep trying with all of you. I'm hoping you're all younger and not so set in your ways, and that you have some molecule of common sense that allows you to read the signs and listen to reason.

If you all own any type of insurance policy, then please think of putting food and goods away as an insurance policy against rising food costs and possible shortages.

I wish you all the best of luck in getting through the times ahead.

Ari Kopel

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