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martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

The Purpose of Destiny

I am always asked about life purpose by clients because they know that there is something better for them, something beyond the pain, drama, confusion, fear and chaos that they are experiencing in their lives. They believe that somewhere in the future is a bright light that will show them the way to a better, more purpose-ful life. And they are right, but the light isn't always where they think it is. And between that distant light and the place where they are at in this moment is the path whose choices will determine how their purpose unfolds.

Our life purpose is our healing mission, there is no other path for us until we acknowledge, accept, healing and release this very important aspect of our lifetime. Because it is the only reason we are here. Every challenging relationships, difficult life situation, unforgivable act, surprising event, betrayal and blessing plays a role in our life purpose. So our purpose is always in front of us. What we do, how we respond, and how we use this information determines whether our purpose unfolds on destiny's path or that of creation.

Destiny is our path from the past; creation is our path of the future. We choose which path we are on with every choice, decision, action and thought. There is no magical formula to understanding our life purpose, we are always on purpose. What changes, though, is whether that purpose follows the path of destiny or creation. Because there is nothing we are supposed to do in any lifetime, it is a process of becoming. Healing opportunities are presented to us and from the viewpoint of a non-judgmental Universe, we can heal them or not, depending on our level of soul growth and the healing that we are able to do. 

No one and no-thing is going to force us to follow any path. The path of creation may be far more comfortable and fulfilling that that of our destiny but we have to choose the path of least resistance if we are going to follow it. There is nothing that says we 'have' to do anything and many people don't. They forget that they are spiritual beings having a human experience, that our life path is not about accumulating wealth or power, that we are here for healing and connection. And that is OK for them. But what are we doing?

If we sit around and wait for our purpose to be revealed, we may wonder why we have the same life experiences, again and again, and blame the Universe. But this is our signal that we are following our destiny purpose and a call to explore creation, to shift our energy and perspective, to learn to forgive, release and heal so we can create a new purpose that leaves destiny behind and allows us to step forward into a bright, new, promising future that we create, one step, thought, decision and choice, at a time.

Re-Wired, Re-Calibrated and Re-Born
When a client I have worked with for many years called to tell me that she was in the hospital and had suffered a nearly fatal heart attack I was somewhat surprised but understood what was happening to her. A friend of mine has been saddened by the death of several close friends in the past few months. And in the past six months I have done numerous readings months with people who are recovering from brain injuries, tumors or surgeries. What is happening to them and are we all at risk? Is it possible that each one of us could be on our way home at any time?  Should we be scared?

We have all been aware of the energy shifts and downloads that have been bombarding us with increasing frequency and intensity over the last ten years and some of them are intense. They affect us physically because our bodies have to absorb the energies and they are not always ready for them. We get rewired and recalibrated so we can function within the new energies and that may involve illness. One of the reasons the energies come in waves is so we don't' get overloaded or overwhelmed by them because they are so powerful. But in order to fully integrate them, some work 'under the hood' is sometimes required.

Many of the people who have experienced some severe health issue have also done significant healing work and the final phase can involve physical restructuring. A heart 'attack' is a disruption in the heart's electro-magnetic field; any brain function alteration is literally a process in which the brain is re-wired to accept new frequencies, initiations, thought patterns and wisdom. Many people have completed soul contracts and karma and are choosing to leave; they no longer want or need to be here. Others are helping us with the karma and contracts we need to work out and their health issues or crossing over can be part of that process.

We are all being re-calibrated, our DNA is activating and changing from carbon to crystalline, and we have to absorb higher and greater energy frequencies. We are being re-born into our new physical forms which through which we can fully embrace ascension, divinity and our new purpose. This process is part of our ascension and it is necessary for us to honor this path, in ourselves and in others, and to know that whatever is happening is right and perfect.

Thank those who choose to end their journeys now for they have waited a long time for this. And those who are experiencing the re-wiring process, be gentle and patient with yourselves, when it is finished you will understand the 'what' and 'why' of this process.

The journey you call life is a pathway whose end is an unfolding and evolving point that emanates from the present. It is a journey you experience as outside of yourselves yet everything happens from within. If you could see your journey from the soul's perspective, you would see an unfolding flow of energy that expands from you and creates each step on your path. Each step is unique and yet connected; it is a breath on the path of your journey and you must breathe that breath to create the next step.

That which you call the light at the end of the tunnel is a destination you may never achieve because the light is within you, not without. Everything light you follow, other than your own, is part of the illusion of the world. The only light you can follow is the light within for it is your only source of enlightenment and truth. If you act on behalf of a distant light you are following a light that does not belong to you, is not your truth and cannot give you the peace, joy and love you seek.

Through human action you attempt to move the body to shift energy. This is what you do in your search for the way out of your challenges and it may be a solution but one that is limited in its energetic expression. Spiritual action initiates movement from the heart that flows to the mind, advising you of the being-ness you should embrace in order to create a different reality. When you act where you are in partnership with spirit, you acknowledge that your being is the creator of your reality and then your actions will be guided by the voice of your truth so each one leads you to a higher expression of your self.

The guidance you seek is within as is the answer to every question you can ever ask. You never have to wait to act, for action begins with your thoughts. Each thought creates itself in your world. As humans you want to do something and yet every aspect of your reality is a reflection of what you are. When you act from spirit you acknowledge your role in creating the illusion and allow a higher vibration and frequency to become part of your thoughts. This aligns you with the highest expression of your being so you can create the reality your spirit knows is a higher step on your path.

Are There 'Bad' Indigos?
With the increased attention on Indigos and Crystals, we tend to think of Indigos as the overlooked, victimized aspect of a generation, that they are good and everyone else is not Indigo and they are 'bad'. That's over-generalizing a bit but we know what Indigos are and that they have an enormous task ahead of them, and that sometimes they struggle with their energy. But what about the others, the other kids who struggle and who do really awful things, like the increase in child murderers, gang activity, drugs and crime? Are they not Indigos and if not, what are they?

There are many expressions of Indigo energy and while they can become the successful people we know they can be, they came to help with all kinds of lessons. Some Indigos are here to work through some very hard karmic issues and they use their energy as a form of retribution, to teach others by connecting to them at the lowest energy level instead of raising the level of that interaction. This is the ancient 'eye for an eye' energy and it is very powerful and not the best use of Indigo energy, but it is one way it is used.

Indigo energy is about revolution and transformation and they do not always express that energy in its highest form. There are Indigos who point out the darkest energies, and whose mission is to remind us of what has to be changed, and they do that by calling our attention to it. So they engage in activities that bring those energies to the forefront, either as victim or abuser. It's no wonder, then, that drugs, gangs, child pornography, abuse, sexual slavery and other crimes are daily headlines. Does this make them any less than other Indigos, no. But they do use all of the Indigos' aspects to make their actions effective.

It is when we judge energies as good or bad that we limit their expression and effectiveness. Instead of focusing on what appears to be happening, we need to look at what is being exposed. What pain is being expressed, what is awaiting transformation and what can we do to help?

The dark side of Indigo energy can be very dark, but that may be their purpose. Rather than judge this, we need to focus on what is being brought to light through their efforts because above all, this is what Indigos do.  I believe that Indigos are the last generation who will be able to use the dark energies as a way to create change. Our willingness to act on what they show us will help them get closure with these aspects and allow future generations to be in the light to create change, instead of the dark.

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Jennifer Hoffman
Uriel Heals | 3505 NE Lacewood Court | Lee's Summit | MO | 64064
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