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miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

Pluto Retrograde - April 10, 2012

Pluto Retrograde - April 10, 2012
A bird sent by angels to lead sailors out of dangerous waters.

This morning (4/10/12) at 9:24 AM PDT, Pluto goes retrograde in the 10th degree of Capricorn.  When Pluto goes retrograde, it’s like a tectonic shift in the emotional landscape.  Each of us will experience this to some degree.  Anyone sensitive to energetic change will notice this today.  Those of us who have personal planets in or near the 10th degree of Capricorn or Cancer are likely to have the strongest experience.

    From the astronomical point of view, Pluto is very small, not even a proper planet, and is very far away.  Thinking of it that way could make it seem insignificant.  However, astrologers have found Pluto’s influence to be extremely potent.

Today’s retrograde station is the opening act in a sequence of astrological events that I believe will change our political and economic landscape forever.  Each of us is going to experience an awakening to deeper truths that will release us from external conditionings and impel us to act from our hearts instead of from our desire to maintain the status quo. 

There is “something in the air” that has been changing the way we think about government.  “They” keep feeding us the same b.s. and “we” are becoming more and more immune to it.  We’d like to think we learn quickly but ultimately, we do learn.  The excuses for war, for inequality, for injustice, for poverty, are falling on deaf ears.

Pluto is going retrograde in the 10th degree of Capricorn today and will be retrograde until September 17th, when it stations direct in the 7th degree of Capricorn.  These degrees have a frequency of intense truth-sense, of idealism and activism.

There is “something in the air” (mainly shockingly high temperatures) that we cannot ignore any longer.  There is something that you know about the way you live that you are going to change.  This awareness has been growing stronger for years, while the “reasons” you’ve continued on without acting on it have been growing weaker.

Today’s retrograde station sets the stage for the series of exact squares between Uranus and Pluto that begins on June 24th this year.  The period from now until March of 2015 will be characterized by intense truth-sense, idealism and activism given Promethean insight and electricity, in a series of waxing, cardinal squares – intense episodes of tension and release.

This is the year that we learn to value ourselves, to see beauty within instead of without, and to find security in friendship and community rather than in gates, tinted windows, and fashion.

This is the start of a season of bravery.  “They” will continue to spew fear and “we” will laugh.  The astrological year of 2012 is going to be remembered for its movement.
There is a part of each of us, that in some way has been forced on us.  We’ve been afraid to make personal changes because we were afraid of “the system.” For many of us this has had to do with the credit system.  This is the place we will move from.  I predict that over the next several months, many people are going to realize that they’re not likely to ever borrow money again.  That realization will give millions of people an entirely different sense of priorities.

The current system relies on consumption to drive “the economy.”  What this means is that there is (and has been for over 100 years) a massive psychological propaganda campaign designed to get you to buy stuff you don’t need.  Everyone knows this, but we continue to “buy” stuff we don’t need.  Stuff like fear, insecurity, inconstancy.

What is going to happen this year is that we’ll finally become more interested in who we are and how that feels to us than we are in what happened to somebody on TV and what they bought.  What we’ve been sold for a long time is ideas of happiness, of beauty, and of security that continually change and require fresh purchases.

What will happen when the things we value most turn out not to have a season?  What will happen when what becomes obsolete is fear?

Let’s find out, shall we?

Today, I invite you to tune into your emotional landscape – the ground under you.  What underlies your sense-of-self today?  Notice how high above this landscape your perspective currently is.  There’s a lot of room between you and your Earth, isn’t there?  Take note of it, because by September 17th, you will be right on that ground.  And no one will budge you from it again!

Pluto goes retrograde today in Capricorn 10.  The Pleaidian symbol for this degree is “A bird sent by angels to lead sailors out of dangerous waters.”  She is a sign.  You have to believe in angels to follow her – you have to give up your own sense of direction.  This is moment for a collective realization that our own ideas have gotten us here.

It is time to see with your heart instead of your doubting mind.

With Love,
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