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martes, 12 de abril de 2011

We're Cruising Together


As our spiritual awareness deepens we can see ourselves as more than humans going through the different activities that comprise our daily life. Expanding our awareness of ourselves and the earth to include energy gives a new dimension to life and living. We are, as is everything around us, energy in motion. And we connect to everyone through energy. Every relationship we have is based on an energy match, on some level that isn't always based on joy and good times. Our feelings and opinions are secondary and depend on the level of energy we share. Despite what we may think about them, our connections with others are nothing more than different kinds of energy in motion.

Every relationship is the result of an energetic connection with someone whose energy is at the same wavelength and whose motion matches ours on some level of our growth, healing and understanding. We fall in love with or like someone whose love energy is flowing like ours. We fall out of love with someone when our energy begins to move in different directions and we no longer share a flow and wavelength.

We choose friends whose energy moves like ours. And our 'enemies' also have energy that corresponds to some aspect of our shared healing. Every emotion we have around others is associated with the energy that is part of our experience with them. When there is no longer a shared energy flow our feelings change because the e-motion is different.

And this also includes the lessons, karma and healing that each of us has as part of our life path. Any 'feelings' or emotions we have towards someone corresponds to this energy, which is why we can have no feelings at all towards some people and very strong feelings towards others. Through our shared energetic signature we come together for whatever time is necessary to complete a healing or karmic cycle and then we either continue together in a new direction or move apart.

So we will connect to heal and share energy and once that aspect of our energy or e-motion is fulfilled, we can move the relationship to another level if we both choose that. But if we don't then the e-motional flow that brought us together now separates us and we no longer 'feel' the same way about each other.

Energy is the creator of all connections between us, from our most cherished love to our most challenging partner, the flow of our energy dictates the type, purpose and length of our connections. The people we can't spend enough time with and those we can't wait to get away from all share an energetic flow with us. So as you go about your day, look at the people from an energetic perspective. Who do you 'like' and dislike, and who do you have no opinion about? It's all energy that is moving in a flow that determines who walks on your path with you, for whatever time they are there, and who doesn't. 

Retro Madness and Mayhem
Are you experiencing Mercury retrograde madness and mayhem? This is the first retrograde of 2011 which started March 31 and ends on April 23rd although it officially exits its shadow period on May 11. This one seems to be creating more than the usual problems with communication and travel, computers crashing, misplaced items, forgetfulness, etc.,  probably because it's happening in Aries, the sign of action. While we want to push forward, retrogrades make us slow down, and all of the re- words come into play, re-think, re-consider, re-view, re-member, re-do.

I like to look at retrogrades as a chance to re-view my life because anything that I am not sure about or moving too quickly with stops moving so I can re-think my strategy. Now I could get angry about this but I have learned that doesn't help so I take the extra time the Universe has just given me and go over my plans and projects. As an Aries I tend to move and think fast, so a re-view also allows me to make sure that I have thought of all possible options and see if I have any new ideas or thoughts about the issues.

There are times, during a Mercury retrograde, when things fall through and that can be a mixed blessing. I've had situations end for no apparent reason only to have something else open up once the retrograde was over, that was a much better option for me. This is the blessing of Mercury retrograde and is also what is happening now. Instead of being upset over the missed appointments, miscommunications and things that get stuck, take a deep breath and remind the Universe of its promise - what is taken away gets replaced with something better.

We can get so fixated on one outcome that we don't allow anything else to happen and Mercury retrograde will help us with that. Often the outcome we want is delayed so we can take our time (and it's stuck so we have plenty of time) and re-consider. Do we really want that? Why is it so important? Is there another option? Is this in our Highest Good? Are we willing to take some additional time to think about it?

Then we get all the time we need because Mercury moves backwards for a few weeks so we can pause, re-think our options, re-consider our choices and take a few deep breaths and remember that we are human 'beings' who have to stop 'doing' occasionally. 

What you know of the physical aspect that you define as your humanity is one aspect of the multi-dimensional, limitless being that you are. And when you limit the knowing of yourself to the ego your gifts and abilities, multiple potential and life paths are restricted to what the ego is able to accept. The ego is the first level of the self and beyond that are multiple levels that encompass dimensions of being, expanding levels of energetic vibration and the potential to know and express your mastery at all levels.

The self beyond the ego is not accessible because your aspects are grounded in the physical body so you can function in the third dimension. A strong ego was required to help you manage polarity, fear and the energies that are present on earth. But the ego was not intended to become the dominant aspect, to the exclusion of the others, as it has become. And the ego limits the expression of the self to what the ego is able to know, understand and relate to in its limited view of the self. The ego believes it is the only aspect of the self but there are many others it can work with.

The aspects of your self beyond the ego include the Higher Self, which is your source connection as well as access to lifetimes that have been lived at other times and places. The multi-dimensional aspects are those that co-exist with you, that you are experiencing on a soul level in conjunction with the lifetime that you know through the ego. These life experiences are energetic and include multiple gifts and abilities. You have access to these other aspects through your dream time, when your physical body and ego are resting and release their connection to the third dimension.

Without the ego's grounded presence in the third dimension you access these other aspects by releasing your grounding and this puts you in energetic spaces where you can no longer function in the physical. A balanced partnership between ego and your multi-dimensional being will allow you to access these energetic places and acknowledge the gifts you have with them, gifts that you are now ready to use and that the energies on earth have expanded enough to accept.

Be patient with this process but be open to allowing your multi-dimensional aspects to connect with you and create the miracles, peace, joy and fulfillment that the earth can know through you and the gifts you have to offer through all of your aspects.

The Time to Stop Talking
No matter how much we think something is good for our Indigos, will help them, improve their life, help them find peace, there comes a point where we have to stop talking and allow them to make their choices. You know how hard this can be, especially when you can see that they are going to drive themselves over a cliff and their eyes are closed. And you have been where they are, know what is going to happen and want to help them prevent a challenge or difficulty that you experienced yourself.

Wouldn't you have appreciated someone like you to give you guidance when you were their age? You do now but you are also not their age and no matter how much you want to talk until they listen, there comes a time when you must stop talking and let them choose.

As adult Indigos it is hard to watch our children go through the struggles we also experienced, feeling their confusion and uncertainty and wanting to take them by the hand and lead them through their dark night of the soul. We expect them to be grateful for our help because we didn't have someone who could do that for us when we were their age. But instead of being grateful for our help they think we're interfering, we don't understand or can't relate to their experience. And instead of listening to us they ignore us and our advice, until they find out that we were right and then they need us to bail them out of trouble (or jail).

One of the hardest things I had to do was let my children learn on their own and resist the urge to lead them by the hand through every pitfall I knew they would face. I could relate to how they felt and didn't want them to feel that kind of pain or how scary it was to feel alone and unsupported. I was so willing to be there to pick them up when they fell but they didn't want me anywhere near them when they were running towards disaster at full speed. And they did have all sorts of upsets and problems but I limited my interference in their life. If they didn't listen to me and got into trouble, they were on their own. It didn't take long for them to learn to consider the advice I had to give.

I know it's hard to stop talking when you know that your advice could help your children, no matter how old they are, but there comes a time when they stop listening and doing more talking doesn't help. You can set boundaries and let them know that they can be on their own but you will limit the help you give when they get into trouble. I told my children that if I had to bail them out of trouble, then they had to consider my input in their decisions.

It may take one time but they will learn to ask for your advice before committing to something important. And they will listen and respect your advice more if you give it when they want it instead of offering it non-stop until they do not hear it any more. They have to learn to make powerful choices and will learn more from their powerless ones than from hearing about your similar experiences 'at their age', even if they are true.

Jennifer Hoffman
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