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martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

6 Steps to Finding Your True Purpose

What is your purpose? Your destiny? Have you known for some time what you are meant to do for a career, but you just aren’t sure how to transfer it to real life? Are you still searching for that path you can call your very own? Everyone was blessed with certain gifts, talents and personality traits that can be transferred into a fulfilling, satisfying and financially prosperous line of work. Some people know from the get-go what they want to be when they grow up. Others, like me, find their purpose through an evolvement of life’s experiences and challenges. Either way, you come to find that it is perfectly right for you.
I truly believe that you have the full potential to pinpoint, develop and achieve your dream career. Yes, you! One of the things that really saddens me is when I see someone with such potential for greatness, who is not allowing themselves to step into it and fully own it. I can share with you the important do’s and don’ts and give you valuable tools and support; however, you need to be the one to take that first step.
As you set out to find your purpose, or first commit to living a life of purpose, what drives you may still feel a bit elusive. Many people have no idea if they have a real purpose on earth. Ask a friend randomly what their life purpose is, and they may take a long pause before answering, “Good question. I’m not sure.” Well, I’m here to tell you (and them) that you do have a purpose and it’s probably not as mysterious as you think. Most likely it’s right under your nose. Maybe your purpose is to feed hungry children, build a gigantic bridge, love your children, or just be in the moment. Your life purpose is most likely connected to the areas that create passion and meaning in your life. Here are some simple steps for accessing your life purpose.
  • Get in touch with what really matters to you in the world and in your life. What do you get passionate talking about, reading or exploring? Before taking impulsive action steps toward a new career, business opportunity, or new relationship, ponder what gives you that inner surge of excitement. This could be the most important key for long-term staying power and success.
  • Gather your thoughts and focus your energy toward these ideas. Find a way to involve yourself in this activity.
  • Explore several possibilities before settling on one. However, if one really moves you, then go for it!
  • Connect with other people on a regular basis who are passionate about these ideals or activities.
  • See how you feel in this new arena. Does it stir your passionate energy? This is what we call “alignment,” or “being congruent.” When we are expressing our true inner thoughts, beliefs and ideals through external actions that match those thoughts, beliefs and ideals, we are operating in harmony rather than in conflict. The “practice-what-you-preach” philosophy.
  • Not doing what you love could be very harmful to your health and
your prosperity. Most people think that doing what you love is a luxury, so they settle for something they don’t enjoy. Someone who loves your career more than you do will no doubt perform the job better than you. This person will eventually be greatly rewarded because this work matters to them. Part of what you’ll get from being out of alignment in your work is dissatisfaction and burnout.
I know you can do it. After all, it’s your greatness I am talking about.
Allison Maslan, HHP, CCH is an author, entrepreneur, life and business coach, homeopathic physician and international speaker. Allison’s new book, Blast Off! The Surefire Success Plan To Launch Your Dreams Into Reality, is being released on January 19th on Amazon and all major booksellers.

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